Today, I'm moving again, to a new blog. This blog kinda incorporates what I have been trying to relay in all of my past blogs: nothing goes according to plan. Therefore, my new blog is..... Out Of These Hands (or ooth, which is something you might see, if I'm talking about my blog). So yeah. Come check it out.. it's at .
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Summer Lovin'
After spending quite a few days committed finishing the yearbook, I got a lovely break from working and spent the whole day in town. It was such a nice relief, and really got me excited for college, and getting to explore Tulsa more and more. First, I went to lunch at this adorable lunch stop in Tulsa, Big Al's, for a yummy vegetarian pita with a banana strawberry blueberry smoothie. Sooo FRESH! If you are ever in Tulsa for any reason, this is a place that you must stop at, or if you live in Tulsa and have never been there, you should probably go over there! Their sandwiches, wraps, and pitas are amazing, and they are so vegetarian/vegan friendly (which makes me smile)!
After that, I met up with Leah, and we spent the afternoon running around downtown Tulsa. We spent a lot of time catching up, and she modeled for me, which was SO much fun!
I absolutely loved taking pictures with her, and have completely fallen in love with her eyes, and how she poses, maybe I just love her. Yeah, that's probably it.
After we became completely exhausted and sweaty, we headed over the the Coffee House on Cherry Street, and enjoyed some vegan chocolate cake (also something that one should try when in Tulsa), and then later a muffin, and just talked for a couple of hours.
I have to say, it was a pretty awesome day, and Leah and I are already planning some more downtown-days, and are going to be smart and bring sunscreen, water, and bikes!
I also spent an awesome day with one of the many Hanna's, and took tons of pictures, but I will post those tomorrow, cause it is SUPER late, as well as pics from something fun that the fam did tonight!
Sweet dreams everyone,
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth.
After that, I met up with Leah, and we spent the afternoon running around downtown Tulsa. We spent a lot of time catching up, and she modeled for me, which was SO much fun!
I absolutely loved taking pictures with her, and have completely fallen in love with her eyes, and how she poses, maybe I just love her. Yeah, that's probably it.
After we became completely exhausted and sweaty, we headed over the the Coffee House on Cherry Street, and enjoyed some vegan chocolate cake (also something that one should try when in Tulsa), and then later a muffin, and just talked for a couple of hours.
I have to say, it was a pretty awesome day, and Leah and I are already planning some more downtown-days, and are going to be smart and bring sunscreen, water, and bikes!
I also spent an awesome day with one of the many Hanna's, and took tons of pictures, but I will post those tomorrow, cause it is SUPER late, as well as pics from something fun that the fam did tonight!
Sweet dreams everyone,
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Finally Free..... Kinda.
School got out over a week ago. Yet, I have been at school at least half of that time. Oh the joys of yearbook, and to make it even better, it has found it's way to creep into my home. Lets just hope that it is over soon. That being said, I have also taken quite a bit of pride in my part of creating the yearbook over the past few days while working on it. I have realized how amazing it is that we can put together such a memory-filled book, and it has really started to sink in even more that next year will be the last time I will help to make those memories, and document them.
I am a high school senior.
I must say, it still hasn't completely set in that I am now part of that class that the underclassmen look at in awe, thinking how big we are. And it hasn't quite set in yet that next year at this time, I will be preparing to go to college, Claremore, Manhattan, or wherever it may be.
I think that my recent realization of how important these memories are has really inspired me, and I can't wait to find a normal schedule so that I can start creating.
So, it has been quite a long time since I last wrote, and that's due to that 30 day challenge I did (which I totally didn't accomplish.. due to reasons that will be explained in this paragraph). It was kinda funny, cause I did this challenge to be able to have time to create and slow down and enjoy every day, but I found that I was so busy with the end of the school year, that those things weren't even possible! Now that summer's out, I really am going to try to stay off of the computer so much, and just live, but that doesn't mean that I won't be around at all, cause I wan't to come up with a regular blogging schedule too (for all of you faithful readers out there, I love you Andi, Hannah, and Sarah). I think that this blog is going to end up going a very different direction than before, with alot more creative things going on, especially photography-wise, because I will be vigorously working on building a highly fabulous portfolio this summer, as well as hopefully getting some photography business (check out Abbey Road Photography & Design on Facebook!). I also am going to start a visual journal for the summer, probably out of a fun vintage book from one of my beloved antique stores in Jenks. I also am planning on featuring daily outfits, weekly inspiration, and all kinds of fun stuff. So, look forward to some fun things happening here soon!
Now, I leave you with an inspiring picture from weheartit, that sums up summer for me, well.. not completely, but close enough!
Happy summer, and until tomorrow...
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth
I am a high school senior.
I must say, it still hasn't completely set in that I am now part of that class that the underclassmen look at in awe, thinking how big we are. And it hasn't quite set in yet that next year at this time, I will be preparing to go to college, Claremore, Manhattan, or wherever it may be.
I think that my recent realization of how important these memories are has really inspired me, and I can't wait to find a normal schedule so that I can start creating.
So, it has been quite a long time since I last wrote, and that's due to that 30 day challenge I did (which I totally didn't accomplish.. due to reasons that will be explained in this paragraph). It was kinda funny, cause I did this challenge to be able to have time to create and slow down and enjoy every day, but I found that I was so busy with the end of the school year, that those things weren't even possible! Now that summer's out, I really am going to try to stay off of the computer so much, and just live, but that doesn't mean that I won't be around at all, cause I wan't to come up with a regular blogging schedule too (for all of you faithful readers out there, I love you Andi, Hannah, and Sarah). I think that this blog is going to end up going a very different direction than before, with alot more creative things going on, especially photography-wise, because I will be vigorously working on building a highly fabulous portfolio this summer, as well as hopefully getting some photography business (check out Abbey Road Photography & Design on Facebook!). I also am going to start a visual journal for the summer, probably out of a fun vintage book from one of my beloved antique stores in Jenks. I also am planning on featuring daily outfits, weekly inspiration, and all kinds of fun stuff. So, look forward to some fun things happening here soon!
Now, I leave you with an inspiring picture from weheartit, that sums up summer for me, well.. not completely, but close enough!
Happy summer, and until tomorrow...
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth
Saturday, May 7, 2011
One Month Challenge.
Lately I have found myself struggling with finding balance between my time spent on the computer, and time spent actually living. And honestly, more of my free time is spent on the computer than actually living my life and enjoying time with the people I love. So I've decided that I am going to challenge myself and take a whole month off from computer and my itouch, except for school purposes. This is honestly going to be super hard, but I'm kinda excited on what I can accomplish when I don't let the internet consume me on a daily basis. And on top of that, I'm going to keep a visual journal of my 30 or so days until I'm back online. I think this will be good, getting my priorities on track.
So, this is the last time I'm going to write for a while.
Much love, Abbey Elizabeth.
So, this is the last time I'm going to write for a while.
Much love, Abbey Elizabeth.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Cinco de Mayo!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
C'est La Vie
Wow. This week has hit me like a truck. I have had so much going on, and not much time to just sit and relax. But that's ok cause this week has been quite amazing so far (don't worry, I'll tell more tomorrow). And I know, I haven't posted about his boy yet.. but don't worry. I will. Just not today. Cause I'm going to bed. Honestly, I'm really not all that sorry for not blogging, because I have been able to enjoy life without trying to think of things to blog about, and instead let life happen, and now I can blog about what happened. How lovely is that?
Well, off to bed!
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth
Well, off to bed!
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The past week.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
So much.

This past week has been so super crazy. The past weekend I went on a leadership retreat with my youth group, and had a blast. All kinds of great things came from that weekend, which I will share next week, or sunday, or whenever I have time to breathe. After getting back I spent a few days catching up with school work, and then more work was piled on. And pretty much, things got crazy. I'm just a tad bit more than stressed, but c'est la vie.
This week has been so amazing guys. I mean, wow. I am so blessed. Quite a few things have happened this week, well really only one big main thing..... And it involves a boy. But that's a story I will tell the next time I really blog, so that I will have pics to show.
So, recap of the past week:
Saw an amazing musical.
Went to a challenging retreat.
Enjoyed spending time/ getting to know this wonderful boy.
Challenges to leading a class at this weekend's retreat {my youth minister is so tricky; leadership retreat one weekend, next weekend a retreat where we put those leadership skills to use}.
My dear friend Emily got baptized!!
Life/school/craziness happened.
I feel like sometimes there are those weeks, or even months when you feel like you have so much to do, so many productive things to take care of, but there just isn't enough hours in the day. I generally find myself realizing this after I have wasted precious hours doing completely unproductive things for a while, letting so many things build up. I wish that sometimes I had the super power to pause time, just so that I would have he ability to get all these things done.
Well, I need to go wash out his hair color! Back to true red! Don't worry, I'll post pictures later, cause I just know that y'all were worried about that.
Sweet dreams!

XOXO. Abbey Elizabeth
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring does this crazy thing to me. It's so sunny and warm and cheery. And it makes me feel all happy inside, therefore inspiring me, creatively and in other ways. As seen in the previous post, spring makes me want to get out and exercise, especially biking ( and nowadays, yoga). Spring ( and summer for that matter) also inspire me to do things like this......

I like to come home and completely destroy the kitchen and make really yummy (and sweet) things. Today I made black bean chocolate brownies and some granola bars, and I might include my variations on the original recipe that I got them from. I loved spending time making them, and it was such a creative release for me. I love being inspired.
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Oh Happy Day!

Today was an absolutely wonderful day. The morning started out quite cold, but it quickly warmed up, and got nice and sunny and warm. School went pretty well, except the fact that I took the hardest math test of my life! Stupid calculus!!! Anyways, after school I did some really relaxing yoga after school, which allowed me to really focus on breathing and really feeling every muscle. It felt super good. Then we went to dinner at Mazzios with my grandpa, which was quite hilarious. When we got home, mom and I went on an excellent bike ride, and it sure did work my muscles! As I went outside to take pictures of my bike for this post, my cat, Chloe, decided to come outside.

It was kinda adorable, actually. She was soooo curious and just sniffed around everything.
So, this past weekend I got an iPod touch, and quite frankly, I love it. I was planning on getting an iPhone later this year, but the prices for the plans each month are crazy expensive, and the only real reason why I wanted one was because of the apps. Now that I have my iPod touch, I don't really need one now! I already have like tons of apps, and I'm loving all the fun things that I can do with it (like this blog post! Eeeek! And I got a yoga app for this weekend since I'm going to be gone. I know, I'm kinda yoga-obsessed).
Soooo that's what's been going in in my world today. How's yours been??
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth
Monday, April 4, 2011
Weekly goals.
This week I have just a few simple goals:
•practice yoga daily
•work on The Cats Meow
•do something creative daily
What are your goals for the week? Tomorrow I'll be back with a real post.
XOXO. Abbey Elizabeth
•practice yoga daily
•work on The Cats Meow
•do something creative daily
What are your goals for the week? Tomorrow I'll be back with a real post.
XOXO. Abbey Elizabeth
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Spring joys.
Yesterday I spent my entire day (almost) outside on my back porch, doing homework and attempting to the computer back on order. And, being the springtime-loving person that I am, I took alot of pictures, pretty much of the whole time I was outside.
That was my highly enjoyable weekend, what did you do with yours?
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth
My setup outside, beginning at 10AM.
Breakfast: toast with nutella, and orange juice (while listening to the song Orange Juice by Brianna Gaither. Go listen to it)
A pair of my favorite shoes. Red jelly flats.
At this point I started playing with my camera and using my Diana F+ lenses on my Canon DSLR, and began rejoicing because the fact that I can use liveview makes taking pics with the Diana lenses SOOO much easier!
How cool is that. I think it's cool.
My new Brianna Gaither CD! Love!
I love this one.
This reminds me of when my dad taught me how to make necklaces out of these little flowers. I still do it to this day sometimes.
I literally chased this butterfly around for 30 minutes taking pictures of it. He was a good model, for the most part.
I love this one and how the Diana lenses made the space around him that weren't focused almost blur in a circular motion. So cool.
Lunch: Vegetarian Mexican Casserole. Gotta love my daddy for coming up with this one.
Chloe Ginger has recently decided that she loves to go outside, and wants to. And finds it awesome. And we are just shocked. I mean, shocked. She hasn't been outside a day in her life. Its crazy. But super cute.
The setting sun produces such pretty colors.
That was my highly enjoyable weekend, what did you do with yours?
XOXO, Abbey Elizabeth
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